Answers direct from the Maker, himself


By Lia Spencer

HE’S crafty, energetic and a huge hit with kids and parents alike. Mister Maker toured Australia in July with a show packed full of arty adventures, fun new super songs, a fabulous supporting cast and, of course, The Shapes!
Phil Gallagher, better known as the one and only Mister Maker, took time out from his busy schedule to answer some questions from Casey Cardinia Kids reporter Lia Spencer.

CCK: You started your career as a presenter and sports reporter on BBC Radio Kent. What attracted you to the role of Mister Maker?
It sounds a cliche, but being Mister Maker is my dream job. I always wanted to be a children’s television presenter – from an early age – and to be one now on a show that encourages fun and creativity, is a dream come true.

CCK: Are there any similarities between your sports reporting role and Mister Maker?
Certainly now with the live Mister Maker theatre show. It is a fast moving, live show where anything can happen and I have to be on my toes to react to that. Plus it is lovely to interview our guests live on stage.

CCK: Have you always been an artistic or creative person?
I have always loved making things and being creative. I think making arts and crafts is a great way to generate confidence in people of all ages … and that confidence and fulfillment can enrich other aspects of our lives too.

CCK: What is it you enjoy most about your work?
Being able to travel the world and bring our live show to children and grown-ups everywhere is an honour and a privilege. I hope everyone in Melbourne enjoys the show and that they are inspired to go home to sing, dance and make things.

CCK: How do you prepare for your role before each episode?
I am always preparing for my next program or live show. My house is covered in glitter, sticky tape and googly eyes … but I don’t mind, because arts and craft has become my life. Being Mister Maker is a fantastic job because when I’m not touring, I put my producer hat on and work on our next show, song or arty creation.

CCK: You have had many roles in various productions – Playhouse Disney, Bear Behaving Badly, Grandpa in my Pocket, to name a few. Other than your role as Mister Maker, which has been your favourite production to be involved in and why?
Back in the late ’90s, I got my first job as a runner on a daily live Disney TV show and it was this production … and job … that I credit with starting my career in children’s television. I will be forever grateful for that opportunity and all the opportunities since.

CCK: What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?
I am away from home a lot, so seeing my family is important to me. I go walking with my Dad … or have a cup of tea with Mum. I love watching football and cricket but don’t get much time to do it these days. My local soccer team from the UK is Gillingham (in English League One) and I try to watch as many games as I can, home and away.

Fast Facts:
Full name: Philip Gallagher.
Age: 39.
Height: 6ft.
Pets: None.
Favourite Food: Mum’s roast dinner.
Least Favourite Food: Anything with too much garlic.
Favourite Band: I have two! A-ha and Pet Shop Boys.
Favourite holiday destination: New York.
Favourite television show: Friends.
Favourite movie: Back to the Future.
Five people you would invite to a dinner party? David Schwimmer, John Boyega, Jessica Ennis-Hill, Steve Martin … and R2D2.
Life Motto: Never give up.