Twins add to family’s joy

Claire and Ty Osborne with Sophie, Lucas and twins Isobel and Thomas. 160660

By Lia Spencer

FINDING out they were pregnant on New Year’s wasn’t much of a surprise for Claire and Ty Osborne, who were planning on adding to their family of four. But finding out they were pregnant – with twins – was!
Although the Pakenham couple were thrilled, they decided it would be double the fun to deliver the news to much of their family and friends only after they delivered the bubs.
Claire, 28, said she and her husband both wanted a large family, and had a inkling she was pregnant with twins the third time around.
Though her nausea wasn’t any worse than it was when she was pregnant with her daughter Sophie and her son Lucas, Claire was extra tired.
“I had a gut feeling from the beginning that it was a multiple pregnancy and Ty kept saying ‘stop saying that, you’re going to get your hopes up and be disappointed’. So when the sonographer showed us at the six-week scan the two sacs and heartbeats, I just laughed. Ty wasn’t there as he had work commitments, but when I showed him the scan photos he was shocked and let slip a swear word or two!”
Claire’s mum was at the scan, and Ty told his dad that evening, but the couple decided to keep the surprise from one parent each, as well as most of their siblings, relatives and friends.
“We thought it would be fun, but it was extremely difficult,” Claire said. “We wanted to tell many people all the time but knew it would be so amazing keeping the secret.”
The couple was able to keep it under wraps as they already had several baby items in storage but had to buy another cot, car seat and a new car to fit the growing family. Claire also told the suspicious that she was having a big baby boy, who was sitting up high and surrounded in fluid.
In the final weeks, Claire’s growing belly added extra strain on her lower back and she was in a lot of pain and discomfort, making daily tasks very difficult.
Claire was due on 13 September, but induced on 29 August at Warragul Hospital and had a intense, but extremely quick labour.
“It was just over two hours of active labour until the twins arrived. The contractions were one after another and I didn’t get much of a break between each one. I didn’t have any pain relief. I just used a TENS machine on my back,” Claire said. “Both babies were assisted for delivery, one by forceps, one by vacuum. It was such a relief when it was all over.”
Named by Sophie and Lucas after the popular tank engine, Thomas was born first at 1.06pm weighing 6lb 4oz. His middle name Keith is after Ty’s dad.
Isobel was born six minutess later at 1.12pm, 6lb 15oz. Her first name was after Claire’s grandmother who passed away last year from cancer. Isobel’s middle name, Joyce, is after Ty’s nanna.
After the arrival came the long awaited big reveal.
“When everyone came to visit us either in hospital or once we got home, they were surprised when they walked in to see the two babies,” Claire said. “We videoed most of the reactions, which was all of shock and disbelief at first, then excitement. We video called family that live too far away to visit.”
Claire has since joined the Casey and District Multiple Birth Association and a few Facebook groups for mums of twins and said the support from her family has been invaluable.
Life is quite busy in the Osborne house these days, with lots of noise, heaps of washing, little sleep but lots of love. Though the days are a bit more hectic, Claire hasn’t ruled out going back for more.
“Straight after birth I said to Ty, ‘I’m done, no more!’ But you know what? I think I’ll change my mind,” she said.
“Having children and being a stay home mum is what I’ve always wanted to do growing up, so I’m pretty much living my dream. The thought of the possibility of having twins again though is daunting.”