Working together to end violence


Putting an end to violence against women was the focus of White Ribbon Day recently, and schools around Casey and Cardinia backed the important cause.
Lyndhurst Secondary College and Rangebank Primary School came together to acknowledge White Ribbon Day on 25 November. Both schools are officially recognised as White Ribbon schools and champion White Ribbon’s message to stop violence before it starts.
White Ribbon is a community owned and driven social movement that understands men are central to achieving the social change necessary to prevent men’s violence against women.
The Year 9 students from Lyndhurst Secondary College worked tirelessly making badges and banners for a community walk. Over 500 students and staff from the secondary college and primary school met at Lawson Poole Reserve.
Year 9 Leaders from Lyndhurst Secondary College spoke to the group about the importance of the White Ribbon message to ‘Stand up, speak out and act to prevent men’s violence against women’.
Students from both schools walked through the community en masse to spread the message.
The event was a huge success. Both Lyndhurst Secondary College and Rangebank Primary School look forward to an ongoing partnership to promote White Ribbon in our community.