Play for all abilities

My Puzzle House has been specifically designed around inclusion regardless of ability.

My Puzzle House is an all abilities play centre created by a local family.

The inspiration for building this centre came from a little boy named Rayne who is Mandi’s son and Robyn’s grandson.

Rayne was unable to attend ordinary play centres and participate in group activities, which is why the decision to make My Puzzle House was not a hard one.

The weekend social program is a real hit with kids and parents.

This program takes place on Saturdays, where parents can drop off their kids with My Puzzle House’s experienced support workers and they will care for them, encourage play with other kids, help to work on the child’s goals, and give parents the much-needed respite they require.

Wednesday morning there is a playgroup for ages zero to pre-school.

This is a really fun session for the little ones to engage with peers, but also great for parents and carers to catch up.

My Puzzle House has been specifically designed around inclusion regardless of ability.

The open play sessions are really popular with families because there is something for everyone to do.

There is a flying fox, foam pit, five-point harness disability swing, calming sensory room, a bunch of swings and much more.

The goal for My Puzzle House is to become a place where everyone feels included and supported.

The House has recently started speech therapy services and is looking towards starting occupational therapy services in the near future.

The staff at My Puzzle House are here to support parents, carers, and their children.

They welcome a chat over the counter, and if you require assistance in the play area they are always ready to jump in and help.

Contact My Puzzle House, Pakenham on 5611 0404 or