Help your child move into Prep with confidence

Help your child move into Prep with confidence.

Guiding your child from their early years into primary school is a journey filled with learning and growth.

The initial leap into school life is a significant milestone that can sometimes bring uncertainties.

However, the faith-filled community at Heritage College is there to support you every step of the way.

To ease the transition, Heritage College is proud to present its ‘Step into Prep’ program.

This Christ-centered initiative offers an informative session where families can engage with Prep teachers, ask questions, and find answers, all within the context of the school’s Christian ethos.

The first year of primary school at Heritage College is a time of abundant learning, where the seeds of academic, social, and emotional growth are sown in the fertile ground of Christian values.

During Prep, children build confidence and learn to live out their faith as they develop literacy and numeracy skills through an engaging curriculum.

Heritage College educators provide a nurturing environment, embodying the love of Christ in their teaching, and introducing students to the arts, music, and languages.

The college’s Prep students are encouraged to interact with the broader campus community, fostering a spirit of unity and mutual respect through the ‘buddies’ program and participation in other on-campus events.

As a significant part of the ‘Step into Prep’ program, orientation days are conducted throughout semester two.

These days provide incoming Prep students the opportunity to explore the classrooms, meet their future teachers and classmates, and familiarise themselves with learning areas and activities in a supportive environment.

This helps ensure that when the day comes to start Prep, the transition is less of a leap and more of a step forward in their spiritual and educational journey.

Expressions of Interest for Prep 2024 are open for Officer and Narre Warren South campuses. To find out more, visit

Heritage College has two campus locations: Starling Road, Officer, and Centre Road, Narre Warren.