The best kind of play

Playing and exploring in the outside world promotes physical, cognitive and spatial awareness.

Cardinia Lakes ELC understands the importance of providing babies and toddlers with varied modes of learning to enhance cognitive and physical development.

Outdoor play is an essential aspect of a child’s development and is especially crucial for babies and toddlers.

These benefits cannot be overemphasised.

Playing and exploring in the outside world promotes physical, cognitive and spatial awareness.

When babies and toddlers play and explore outside, they have the opportunity to crawl, walk, run, jump, climb and engage in essential physical activities that help to develop their gross

motor skills.

It provides a rich sensory experience that supports to stimulate their brains as well as providing opportunities for socialisation.

Encouraging babies and toddlers to spend time in the outdoor environment has potential health benefits and can help stimulate their immune systems.

Research indicates that spending time in fresh air also encourages better healthy sleep patterns for babies as they begin to understand the difference between night and day.

The significant health benefits of providing varied settings and experiences cannot be underestimated.

A high-quality early learning program provides children of all ages with a diverse range of learning experiences and activities that are both stimulating and fun, the perfect combination to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Your child’s learning and curiosity will be encouraged through carefully programmed experiences and activities which is the foundation of the centre’s planning.

At Cardinia Lakes Early Learning Centre, your child will develop their skills to become an effective learner and foster a lifelong love for learning.

Not only does the centre have outdoor play areas for all the children but the many programs offered on a weekly basis also support these findings.

The children’s days are enriched with carefully planned out incursions and excursions.

Finding the right fit for your child is essential. Contact the centre for a tour of its facilities today.

Email, call 9066 1144, check Cardinia Lakes Early Learning

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