Supporting mums and bubs


Oakgrove Community Centre takes pride in delivering programs for its community, to reduce social isolation and increase community engagement while creating meaningful connections.

Its Connecting Mums group had a fantastic celebration on Friday 24 May, being the final session, sponsored by the Victorian Department of Health.

Oakgrove would love to share some great news for those who have missed out on its Connecting Mums program – a Mums and Bubs program started on 7 June, scheduled to run every Friday from 10.30am to 12.30pm during the school term weeks.

This will be an ongoing program for the community to benefit from, provided at the low cost of $5 per family per session.

The Mums and Bubs playgroup will be facilitated by an experienced playgroup coordinator, with activities including health information sessions, sewing, free play for kids, and more.

The program will take place at Oakgrove Community Centre, Narre Warren South, and carers are welcome to join in as well.

This program will support mothers/carers from multicultural communities to:

– Increase their engagement in community, creating connections and decreasing social isolation;

– Increase their knowledge about supporting their child’s development and positive parenting strategies;

– Increase their knowledge about women’s health and wellbeing and where to access support for any issues they might be experiencing;

– Increase their knowledge about how to build and maintain healthy family relationships, reducing the risk of family violence, as well as what family violence is and where to seek support should they experience it;

– Increase their knowledge of where to access support for social issues such as financial, housing, legal issues, and more;

– Increase their knowledge of how to navigate the service system in Australia, including but not limited to Centrelink, childcare, and schooling; and

– Increase their knowledge of how they can engage in community or participate in the workforce after having children.

To book, call the office on 9704 2781 or email