Rivercrest Christian College, in Clyde North, recently shared the news that their Early Learning Centre received the highest government rating of ‘Exceeding National Quality Standards’.
“I know how hard our ELC team work to nurture every one of our students and this excellent review comes as no surprise” Mrs Melissa Martin, the Rivercrest ELC Director commented.
A representative from the Department of Education, visited the Rivercrest ELC in June to conduct the Assessment and Rating, measuring their practice against the National Quality Standards. In the final report, the Department of Education and Training could not speak highly enough of the Rivercrest ELC programme and the report asks the Assessor to comment on any quality improvement required, and the Rivercrest ELC Service received a ‘Nil improvement needed’ in all seven quality areas.
The report goes on to say: “Educators displayed a strong commitment to connecting with children and families and creating a true sense of community… Educators demonstrated an ongoing commitment to ensuring that the program was responsive to the needs of individual children. The educational program was designed with purpose and consideration to extend and enhance each child’s learning and exploration. The programs were responsive to each child’s abilities, strengths and interests and routines had been carefully considered to support the needs of each child.”
Rivercrest Christian College currently offers 3-Year-Old and 4-Year-Old ELC, driven by the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Early Years Learning Framework. The learning that happens at Rivercrest Early Learning Centre (ELC) values the development of inquiring, knowledgeable and caring students.