Beaconsfield Dental is committed to maintaining your dental health.
To assist your family here are some of their tips for a healthy mouth.
Brushing: Use a small soft brush when brushing. Harder ones can damage your teeth and gums. Place a small pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste on your brush and for fun listen to music while you brush for two minutes. Brush gently in circles. Count all six segments as you go, inside, outside and the upper and lower chewing surfaces. Remember to brush the inside front teeth, brush up and down to reach these properly. Finish by brushing your tongue to remove any bacteria from your mouth. Avoid rinsing so your toothpaste can work longer. Brush twice each day and floss at least once a day.
Tips to lower your risk of tooth decay: Choose water. Avoid sugary drinks. Eat plenty of unprocessed food such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, wholegrains, fish and lean meat. Check the food label on packaged food. Try to keep the total of added sugars to less than six teaspoons a day. Limit cakes, biscuits and sugary desserts, instead eat fruit as a dessert or some cheese and nuts.
When your child/children visits Beaconsfield Dental for their routine examination, their dentist will ensure they are following the correct brushing technique. To assist with the twice daily brushing routine, your child will take home a toothbrushing chart with a timer. It is recommended to supervise your children to ensure they are cleaning their teeth thoroughly and visit your dentist regularly.
Phone 97073508 or book online at www.beaconsfielddental.com.au