A Fun New Book For Your Kids to Love

It’s quirky, funny and is probably going to become one of your child’s favorite new books this year!

‘I Am Doodle Cat’ takes you through all the main character’s weird and wacky loves- from fractions to farts.

It’s hilarious, genuine, and surprisingly educational for people young and old.

‘I Am Doodle Cat’ is first children’s book written by Kat Patrick- and it’s a winner.

The 29-year-old said she always wanted to write children’s literature and found that reading and being read to when she was younger was an essential part of her own upbringing.

“I remember being a kid and thinking ‘hey, I could do that’. Just Kidding. But I do think

adults have this idea that it’s easy and look at putting together children’s lit like it’s a

Bucket List task, rather than a piece of creative output that’s incredibly important,” Kat said.

“I don’t recall much from being little but the memories that have lasted are all of the books that were read to me, and eventually knew by heart. Even going back through my favourites now, they’re still some of the most crucial pieces of literature I’ve picked up.”

Kat said the book, illustrated by her friend Lauren Marriott, was different than most kids have on their shelves at home.

“It’s not didactic. (There are) no morals, no howto. It’s just a celebration of stuff. We kind of figured that kids have an innate moral compass and mostly want to go a bit bananas, laugh about farts and dream about ice-cream,’ she said. “We also wanted to leave lots of room for imagination.’

Kat said she’s received a lot of positive feedback, but has endured, and survived, a couple harsh reviews.

“Kids are the best critics. I’ve watched a few consider the book carefully before announcing ‘it’s stupid’ and running off without even a cursory glance to see if I’m OK. I am, by the way. Just,’ she joked. “I felt vindicated when I was told a four year old demanded a red cat outfit and wore it solidly for a week.”


About the Author: Kat Patrick

Age: 29 (eep)

Birthplace: England!

Current residence: England!

What are you currently reading? Too many books at once, but mostly In Other Words by

Jhumpa Lahiri.

What’s your favourite genre to read? Books!

What’s your favourite author? Lorrie Moore. Always and forever.

What’s your favourite childhood book? IMPOSSIBLE. But right now, in my current mood,

Duck, Death and the Tulip by Wolf Erlbruch.



I Am Doodle Cat by Kat Patrick and Lauren Marriott (Scribble) is out now, $19.99

It is available in stores, online or via http://scribepublications.com.au/books-authors/books/i-am-doodle-cat/