Make a move on fitness

Steph Schultz and Rachel Thorne. 160380

By Lia Spencer

Kids aren’t the only ones who may need encouragement to get active. Do you have a new bub or small child and feel time poor or just unmotivated to get or stay fit? Then personal training may be the perfect option.
Rachel Thorne, director of Pakenham-based Keegan Thornhill Personal Training (KTPC), is here to help.
The transformation coach is a mother of two who herself lost 40 kilos. She urges mums to make themselves, their goals and their needs a priority and said that a happy mum means happy kids.
“As mums we constantly put everyone else’s needs ahead of our own, forgetting that before children we used to be an individual with needs and dreams.”
“The biggest excuse I hear is that mums are too busy with kids, work, etc. As a mum of two under five who runs her own business, my response is that there is always time.”
Rach offers her clients a weekly one-on-one personal training session, monthly food guide and training program along with a monthly body fat test and weekly weigh in. A huge playroom caters to those who want to bring their children along to their weekly check in and sessions.
Programs can either be tailored to the gym or home and can be done in as little as 30 to 45 minutes, three days a week to allow for mums who are busy.
Plenty of women have had weight-loss success thanks to Rach, including Cat, a mum of two under four-years-old who lost eight kilos in 12 weeks by changing her food habits and going to the gym three days per week. Steph Schultz lost four kilos in four weeks. Steph had lap band surgery so is eating smaller meal portions, exercising and having daily check ins to keep stay on track.
Rach said beginning a weightloss journey could be scary and daunting, but is extremely empowering.
“It’s not easy, it takes hard work and dedication. But as a coach I do everything I can to help these women achieve their inner dreams and offer a level of understanding most other trainers can’t as they have never been through this type of journey themselves,” she said.
“My best piece of advice to mums wanting to start a transformation journey is to just do it and do it now. When you are feeling the urge to start you have to embrace that motivation and get going – motivation flees, so when it comes you have to ride the wave.
Rach has offered an eight-week online coaching package, normally worth $199.99, for the special price of $149.95 to Casey Cardinia Kids readers. Anyone wanting to learn more can visit