Salt therapy offers relief


By Lia Spencer

Hay fever and allergies are common this time of year, but other pesky conditions such as colds, flus, eczema and asthma can still effect people of all ages whether its rain or shine outside.
Salt therapy can help. The natural and non-invasive therapy helps to relieve the symptoms of a wide range of respiratory and skin conditions.
It is a natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antihistamine and is designed to relieve the symptoms of a condition and work in conjunction with existing medication, resulting in even greater relief.
Salts of the Earth franchise owner Andrew Davey said salt therapy can help everyone from newborns to the elderly, and no referral is needed.
“Basically people come in and we have a consultation with them. They know what conditions they have, we don’t diagnose them, we help with symptom relief,” he said.
“We do over 300 bookings a week, and we see a lot of kids. The youngest child we have seen was two days old and they were congested after birth.”
Pharmaceutical grade salts are ground into minute particles that become airborne when dispersed into the salt room, relieving inflammation and loosening congestion to allow easier and improved breathing. The salt particles also help to open up the airways, increase oxygen intake and cleanse the airways of smoke, dust, pollutants and other allergens. When the salt lands on the skin it also helps to relieve sore, flakey, red and irritated skin caused by skin conditions.
The kids’ room is designed to be relaxing, yet entertaining. The ground is covered in salt for the kids to play in like a sand pit. The lights are dimmed and the salt lights offer a subtle, calming glow. There is also a television and books to keep the kids amused.
Mr Davey said that consistency was important when it came to salt therapy.
“It’s not a case of coming to Salts of the Earth once and being cured. We recommend management plans to help with symptom relief,” he said.
To book a consultation or to learn more about award-winning Salts of the Earth, visit