Bedding down those sweet dreams


By Jade Glen

DECIDING to transition your child from their cot to a toddler’s or single bed can be a huge decision for parents.
You may have a good sleep routine and be (hopefully) enjoying a solid night’s sleep. What if taking away the familiar cot and introducing a new bed upsets the apple cart?
You may be concerned that your child will climb out of bed and refuse to go to sleep, or that they will sleep but roll and fall out of bed in the middle of the night.
Packing away the cot is also a very sure sign that your little one is not so little any more.
Casey’s expert maternal child health nurse (MCHN) team recommend parents transition their child between two to three years of age.
“Exactly when, depends on a parent’s preference, cultural practices, safety concerns and available resources.
“Safety is the main reason; when a child is old enough to climb out of a cot they are at increased risk of injury from falling.”
To make the transition as smooth as possible, Casey’s MCHN team recommend that parents ensure their child’s bedtime routine stays the same.
“Place a familiar comfort toy or item in the bed and encourage your child to be involved in choosing appropriate bedding.
“Parents may choose to take extra precautions to enhance safety such as positioning the bed onto a wall at one side and using an appropriate toddler bed rail on the exposed side. Having a soft floor covering in place (in case the child rolls out) is also a sensible option.”
If your child does climb out of their bed or come out of their bedroom when they should be going to sleep, the best response is to quietly take the child back to their bed and resettle them. If they are scared and need some reassurance, some comfort and a night light may help.
If you are after some extra guidance to help make the transition from the cot, the City of Casey offers free monthly Early Years Information sessions at various sites across the city. These sessions run for 90 minutes and are facilitated by council staff in the Early Years program. Topics include ‘Toddlers and Sleep’, ‘Fussy Eating’, ‘Toddler Behaviour’ and ‘Toilet Training’. Children are welcome to attend.
Families can ring the City of Casey maternal and child health central booking number 9705 5590 to book into any of these sessions or speak to their maternal and child health nurse at their next appointment.