When you can make a splash at pools in Cardinia

Milla and Ashby kick off summer in Cardinia with a day out at Garfield Pool. Picture: SUPPLIED

Summer is here, so when can you make a splash at the local pool?

If you are in Cardinia, the answer is any time from now until March on days where the forecast temperature exceeds 26C.

However, the opening rules for the shire’s four outdoor pools are a bit different in January.

Throughout January, the pools will be open every day. On days when the forecast is below 26 degrees, they will open from 12pm for a minimum of three hours. If the weather is favourable or the pool is well attended, the pool may remain open for the rest of the day.

Here’s a quick rundown of each pools opening hours…
Pakenham Outdoor Pool
Open now and closes Sunday 28 March 2021.
Hours on weekends and public holidays from 1pm to 7pm and on weekdays from 3pm to 7pm.
School holiday hours are from 11am to 7pm. Closed Christmas Day.
Koo Wee Rup Pool
Open now and closes Sunday 28 March 2021.
Hours on weekends and public holidays from 1pm to 7pm and on weekdays from 3pm to 7pm.
School holiday hours are from 11am to 7pm.
Closed Christmas Day.
Garfield Pool
Open now and closes Monday 8 March 2021.
Hours on weekends and public holidays from 1pm to 7pm and on weekdays from 3pm to 7pm.
The school holiday hours are from 11am to 7pm.
Closed Christmas Day.
Emerald Lake Wading Pool
Open now and closes Monday 8 March 2021.
Hours are weekdays/weekends from 12pm to 6.30pm.
Closed Christmas Day.
Individuals and families can purchase casual visits, seasonal passes and aquatic memberships to all four pools.