It’s important to get kinder right

The research is out: quality kinder matters.

Kinder benefits children both during and after the school years, and the research also shows that two years of kindergarten have a greater impact than one.

What does quality look like in a kinder? How do you know your current kinder is right for your


Educational programs are created by well-trained teachers who understand early childhood development, and who have individual knowledge of your child.

Ask your child’s kinder teacher to explain the plan they have for your child.

Have you been given the opportunity to provide input?

The program should provide a combination of teacher-initiated and child-initiated activities.

This should reflect free play and structured play.

For example, children should have a choice of what activities they would like to play with, and activities that are led by teachers specific to learning outcomes are facilitated.

Ask what is on your child’s program.

Children are given the opportunity to learn about, and from, the world, problem solve, and process information.

You might see your child increase their understanding of self-worth and confidence, their ability to work with others, and have an increased interest in completing or attempting challenging tasks.

How is this reflected on your child’s plan?

Kinder should foster a love for books, reading and writing.

However, kinder isn’t for teaching reading and writing if children aren’t ready.

How does your kinder facilitate this?

Getting your child’s kinder year is an important step towards lifelong learning. Ask questions.

If you’re not happy, look around for the right fit for your child.

Contact Cardinia Lakes Early Learning Centre to book a tour of its kinder or child care classrooms.

Email, call 9066 1144, check Cardinia Lakes Early Learning Centre on Facebook or Instagram, or visit