St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar’s head of junior school, Louise Sayar, said “school readiness is more about whether a child is emotionally and socially attuned to learning”.
“For example, do they possess basic communication skills to be able to express ideas through play, drawing or singing?,” she said.
“Can the child convey a message with purpose and make themselves understood?
“Are they able to sit down and listen to others and follow simple instructions?
“These foundational communication skills are important tools for ensuring your child thrives rather than survives the transition to Prep.”
For parents, the decision can be overwhelming and difficult to assess, however one of the greatest sources of information regarding your child’s school readiness is their kindergarten teacher.
“They have the training and ability to assess your child’s development progress and communication skills,” Louise said.
Parents can assist the transition to school by helping their child develop independence and resilience at home.
“Parents can set goals with their child and work on their persistence to finish tasks alone
such as dressing themselves, putting their own shoes on and going to the bathroom independently are great skills for their child to have mastered by Prep,” Louise said.
“Reading to your child daily has also shown to be one of the most effective ways to prepare your child for school.”