Calling all dog lovers

Poodles feature among the dog sculptures. Pictures: DIANA SNAPE PHOTOGRAPHY

From Saturday 24 June to Sunday 16 July, a pack of dogs are moving into the Bunjil Place Plaza to have some fun.

The Lost Dogs’ Disco is a temporary sculpture that celebrates the place of dogs in our lives.

Visitors journey through an immersive installation of 16 large dog sculptures, all in various states of repose – curled up, standing, even touching noses.

There are four distinct characters, inspired by three dog breeds – poodles, bull terriers, and dachshunds.

As visitors journey through the happy pack, the dogs’ coats light up, and they greet passers-by with playful grunts to celebrate each new person’s arrival; for the Lost Dogs’ Disco is a hallowed place, and every newcomer is greeted as a fellow disco dog.

The installation features a custom sound design of electronic music that captures the beauty and pathos of a dog’s life, including a chorus of barks, growls, howls, and all kinds of doggie hullabaloo.

Open 10am to 10pm daily in the Bunjil Place Plaza, this event is free and family-friendly.

The full program is yet to be released.

Can’t wait to see the installation in action? Join the Lost Dogs’ Disco launch event from 5.30pm to 7.30pm on Friday 23 June.

Visitors will get to rock out to tunes from DJ Nige, snap a photo with a roving disco dog, and grab a doggy themed drink or snack from the disco shack.

Entry is free, with food and drink available at vendor prices.

Artwork for the Lost Dogs’ Disco is by ENESS. The principal partner is Berwick MG, with envy apples brought to you by event partner Montague.

Visit the Bunjil Place website for more program details.