Hillcrest takes on the world

The Hillcrest team travelled to Dallas, Texas.

The Hillcrest Christian College boys VEX team recently represented Australia at the VEX Robotics World Championships in Dallas, Texas.

The Hillcrest team had to qualify for the World Championships by competing against Australia’s best late last year.

The Hillcrest team finished the tournament ranked 34th in the world. This is Hillcrest’s highest ever ranking at the World Championships.

“This is a significant achievement and a testament to the students’ hard work and collaboration with the other teams they competed with,” Paul Lock said.

Mr Lock is Hillcrest’s head of STEAM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Despite encountering some challenges that caused the team to drop down the rankings at times, they persevered and managed to achieve three scores over 200, with the last being an impressive 224.

Throughout the trip, the team grew and matured in many ways.

“During the VEX information evening prior to the trip, the staff could see the team’s passion for honouring the college and ultimately God through this,” Mr Lock said.

”The boys have certainly accomplished this goal.”

This result places Hillcrest Christian College and Australia well within the top half of teams worldwide.

Hillcrest is very proud of their team and congratulates them on this historic achievement.