Specialist subjects support students

Specialist subjects provide space for all students to thrive.

St Patrick’s Primary aims to provide a comprehensive education that allows opportunities for all our students to thrive.

To achieve this, the school has introduced a new specialist subject this year.

The performing arts class provides a space for students to explore and express their creative side.

Students are learning how music can affect their emotions, with this term focusing on dance.

At St Patrick’s, exciting classrooms create an environment that allows for a level of creativity to be nurtured.

From this foundation, students can create their own music, whether that be as a team or their own distinct voice.

With the digital world becoming more prevalent in our society, St Patrick’s has renamed STEM to DigiTech at the school.

With this class, students are taught what it means to be a responsible digital citizen and, more importantly, how to be safe online.

Part of this class includes the use of chrome books and iPads to program robotic toys.

They also use recycled materials and Lego to assist in the planning, production and testing of objects.

This mix of technology and hands-on equipment enables students a further understanding of the design process and allows for critical thinking and problem-solving techniques to be explored.

A long-standing specialist class at St Patrick’s is Japanese. This weekly class helps students to become better communicators while creating a level of understanding and respect of other cultures.

The students are taught how to speak and read this language, but also the culture and history behind it.

Just last year our students participated in a Kendo class. Experiencing this first-hand allows them to understand the connection between the language they are being taught in class and the cultural practises behind it.