The educators at St James Catholic Primary School are passionate about ensuring their students are offered as many rich and diverse learning opportunities as possible focusing on the academic, spiritual, social and emotional development of every child.
Focusing on the education and development of the whole child is central to the teaching and learning philosophy at St James.
They believe that learning is not contained within the walls of the classroom but is evident in all aspects of school life from celebrating our faith during assembly and regular class masses to school camps and excursions.
An advantage of being a small school is staff know their students and how they learn and offer a variety of activities to meet students at their identified point of need.
Learning is purposeful, engaging, driven by teacher knowledge of curriculum and is centred around the children’s interests.
The school is excited to extend the range of specialist classes in 2023 to include Japanese, Physical Education, Visual Arts, STEM (yr 3-6), Digi-tech and Performing Arts (Foundation – Year 2).
Families are warmly invited to contact St James to arrange a tour of the school, including the before and after school care service. Call 5942 5404 or email office@stjamesnng.catholic.edu.au.