Get the party started

By Melissa Meehan

Fairy bread, pass the parcel, and pin the tail on the donkey are all solid pieces of the perfect party.

Throw in some hot food, cake, and even some other sweet treats and you cannot go wrong!

But there are so many options for a party now – add in the choice of a theme and the world is your oyster.

There are so many wonderful venues to have a party – you can have a gymnastics party, a circus party, a slumber party, a fairy party, a trampoline party.

There are almost too many options.

And let’s not forget the option of having something at home.

There is something wonderful about having a celebration where the kids can roam free and enjoy the simple things.

Just last week I had my daughter’s 4th birthday party at home.

She invited seven friends and they loved jumping on the trampoline, and especially loved a dance party and game of freeze we played.

The simple things in life are always a good choice – but not always cheaper.

After buying the ballooons, themed plates, serviettes, party bags, food, and more, it probably ended up costing just as much as hiring a venue.

But as long as the kids enjoy themselves, there isn’t a bad option.