Developing young leaders

Specialist classes create an engaging learning environment.

St Patrick’s Primary School is a vibrant and contemporary learning environment which celebrates many diverse cultural backgrounds.

Its catholic community of students, teachers, and parents works together as one to inspire faith-filled, lifelong learners.

The school promotes educational excellence and nurtures the growth and wellbeing of all of its students.

St Patrick’s takes pride in developing strong leadership skills in its senior students.

They are immersed in a buddy program with junior students, lead school assemblies, represent the school in local community events such as Anzac Day ceremonies, Rotary public speaking, and are relied upon to welcome visitors to the school and assist with school tours.

St Patrick’s provides a comprehensive education that allows all students to thrive and this is achieved with additional specialist classes.

With performing arts, digi-tech, Japanese, and physical education, the school’s engaging classrooms create an environment that allows for student creativity to be developed and nurtured.

All students experience fun excursions and incursions throughout the year, with senior students taking part in a year level camp program.

Utilising out of classroom activities enhances resilience, respect for others, and courage to take risks within a safe and supportive environment.

Recent renovations have occurred within the St Patrick’s campus to include modern flexible learning spaces along with small break out areas to cater for alternate styles of learning and methods of teaching.

For further information, call 5943 9000 or visit

St Patrick’s Primary is at 136 Princes Highway, Pakenham.