Family day care’s personal approach

Family day care has many benefits.

Family day care offers early education and care services from the homes of qualified educators while adhering to the same accreditation and quality standards of centre-based care.

As an accredited family day care provider, not-for-profit Windermere Child and Family Services has a network of more than 90 family day care educators operating across South East Melbourne and West Gippsland.

These educators provide highly personalised care in the relaxed setting of their own homes, as family day care upholds a limit of seven children ranging from birth to age 12 with no more than four preschool children at a time.

Through firsthand experience, Windermere’s educators attest to the many benefits for children.

“The small group sizes mean I can adapt the program to their specific interests while setting appropriate challenges,” says educator Chloe, who plans activities with each child in mind.

This personalised care also allows educators to develop strong relationships with families and children who feel valued and seen.

“There is a real sense of bonding. You can get to know the children on a very personal level,” adds educator Stephanie.

A marked difference from the busier long day care environment, family day care is truly a home away from home for children.

In recognition of services provided to educators and communities, Windermere is among four shortlisted national finalists for the Service of the Year category in the 2023 Excellence in Family Day Care Australia Awards.

For more information on family day care services, visit or call 1300 946 337.