Advocating for families


Families are the very core of our communities.

When families are doing well, the whole community comes to life.

I believe that when governments support families by creating the right environment for them to connect, prosper, and thrive, it is one of the greatest investments that can be made in our society.

Unfortunately, recent years have been tough on families.

Victorian families have been feeling the pressure of persistent rising costs for basic goods and services.

It’s now more expensive to buy or rent a home, to buy your weekly groceries, and to see a doctor.

From 2018 to 2022, childcare fees increased by 22.8 percent.

This all puts tremendous pressure on families and robs them of their quality of life.

I have been speaking in Parliament on behalf of all the parents who worry about their children’s futures – whether they will be able to feed and clothe their children, whether their children will

be able to receive a quality education, and someday afford a house and a family of their own.

One of the issues I’ve spoken about the most is improving access to quality education for children.

The latest reports show that nearly 30 percent of Victorian school children are struggling with literacy and numeracy.

I have consistently advocated for an evidence-based phonics program to ensure that our children are getting top-quality education in the basics of reading and writing.

Recently, our efforts led to an announcement by the State Government that phonics would be taught in Victorian public schools from next year.

I have also made it a priority to speak out against family violence.

Families and children deserve to be safe in their own homes, and there is no place in our

community for violence and abuse against the most vulnerable.

That is why I have advocated for stronger sentences and more restrictive bail conditions for violent criminals.

It is my privilege as the Eastern Victoria Region MP to represent and serve thousands of Victorian families through my advocacy in Parliament.

I will continue to be a voice for those who want a better future, fighting to ensure that families and children will not be left behind.

Renee Heath

Eastern Victoria Region MP