Berwick Lodge Primary School

Berwick Lodge Primary School was established in 1990 in the South Eastern Growth corridor of Melbourne. The initial enrolment of 200 pupils quickly grew and has remained at the current population of over 500. Our school logo depicts the Helmeted Honey Eater – regarded as Australia’s rarest bird species, with one of its three acknowledged remaining habitats being on the eastern border of the City of Casey.
Mission Statement
At Berwick Lodge Primary School, above all else, we value our children. We recognise that our future lies with them and so to encourage our students to embrace “Learning For Life”, not simply as the motto of our school, but as a life-long process of development.
We achieve this through our core values of:
Our highly motivated staff and stimulating learning environment shall inspire our students, to continually strive to develop their skills and abilities and take pride in their achievements.
Behaviour that demonstrates honesty and consideration for one another and develops mutual trust, is reinforced by our teachers who are exemplary role models for our students.
All members of our school community show an understanding of, and respect for, one another as equally valued and valuable members of society.
The importance of co-operation shall be promoted through the on-going development of teamwork between teachers, students and parents, and the resulting friendships and sense of belonging will underpin all our activities.
Our curriculum is designed to develop the skills and attitudes students will need to enable them to make informed choices and decisions, to become valuable, contributing members of society.
Guiding Principles
Our motto is: ‘”Learning for Life”. Consequently we aim to provide an excellent education for all our students, being one which develops their talents and capacities and enhances their chances of success in further education .
Learning takes place in a friendly, happy and positive atmosphere.
1. To ensure that all students are encouraged, supported and challenged to maximize their learning in all three Strands of the Essential Learning Standards (AusVELS)
2. To provide a comprehensive sequential P-6 curriculum that is challenging and able to meet the needs of all students through planned learning programs encompassing AusVELS.
3. To continue to provide and maintain a safe, secure and attractive physical environment that acknowledges the value of individuality and provides all students with the opportunity and confidence to engage in learning experiences.
4. To provide personnel management practices that support the attainment of the school’s goals and priorities through an effective and efficient quality management system, the development of staff, open channels of communication and decision-making processes and regular review and reporting of student outcomes.
5. To ensure resource allocation reflects and enhances the delivery of established goals and priorities of the school.
The school provides programs across the AusVELS which includes a wide range of curriculum enrichment and enhancement programs.
The school provides each student with a range of learning experiences which will:
- assist them to develop their own learning
- develop their skills of learning how to learn
- enable them to take increasing responsibility for their own learning
- promote excellence in learning
- develop their self-esteem, confidence and independence
Parents are encouraged to participate in the children’s’ learning process, through assistance in curriculum programs both at school and home. A comprehensive communication system between school and home is in practice.
Excursion & Camping programs
Interschool Sport Competitions
Junior School Council
Buddy Program
Swimming Prep – 2
Radio Show
Mandarin Classes and Extension Program
School Choir
Performing Arts: Wakakirri Performance and State Schools Spectacular
Community Garden
Film Festival
International School Visit: Singapore
Coaching In Classroom Program
PMP ( Perceptual Motor Program )